Plans for Social Media and Blogging

 I thought I would outline below some of the plans I have for Disabelliety - my blog and social media pages. I suppose I can start off with the best of intentions and we'll see what happens! :)

A lot of what I write on here will be extensions of my social media pages, but don't worry if you don't have access to them. These posts should (hopefully!) still make sense. 

Social Media Schedule (Okay, so maybe this is a bit OTT, but I'm really keen to do this 'project' I've created for myself properly and think some structure would help!)

I'm really not a social media whizz and am learning as I go but have created some hashtags to help people see and differentiate my posts. You can post using these hashtags too if you feel they apply to you or you would like to comment, but please give credit and tag @disabelliety. I've worked hard to be as original as possible!

#ThisAbilityMonday - at least twice a month, I'll post about health, lifestyle, dis/ability and ideas we can implement for the week ahead. 'ThisAbility' is not intended to shy away from disability but rather celebrate and make visible what the disability community can do - which is different and unique for everyone. It's not about pitting abilities against each other either - all are valid. I've found that disabled people (more on my use of terminology later) are often held to the health, fitness and lifestyle standards of nondisabled people which can make them feel (for me at least) excluded. I personally feel that all abilities and accomplishments should be recognised as personal to the individual. 

#DisabilityTopicTuesday - at least twice a month on a Tuesday I will be posting about topics and issues affecting and involving the disability community from around the world. To me, discussion is a great way to learn about new things and reflect on our perceptions of different issues. 

#WheelchairLifeWednesday (every one or two weeks - depending on how busy I am and how much I have to say!). These posts will focus on my experiences as a wheelchair user, a significant part of Cerebral Palsy for me. 

#DisabilityFactFriday - Every Friday, I'll try to post and discuss a fact about disability. It’s really important to me that I know and share as much as possible about my communities and social inequalities to help them improve. Plus, we’ll look super smart being able to recite all these facts! ;)

#SocietySomedaySunday - Every Sunday I’ll try and share thoughts and ideas for change, and how we can make the world more accessible for, and accommodating and accepting of all abilities. 

In reality, my posts may not be this regimented but I’ll do my best to stick to the routine! I’ll probably post at other, random times too and will continue with my long Instagram captions. The best way to stay up to date with what I post is to follow me on my social media pages if you can (linked under ‘Contact’ and at the side of the page) but receiving email updates should work too.

I hope you enjoy my posts. #DisabilityFactFriday and #SocietySomedaySunday will start this week.

Thanks for reading!

Ellie :)
